About You

About You

Are you frustrated because ICT lacks transparency and is not aligned to business needs and objectives?

We are all busy people. Most of us haven’t got either the time or the inclination to surf the web on the off chance we might find something that we actually need. So, now that you have arrived, we will try to help you decide quickly whether there will be value in sticking around. If not, one click and you’ll be out of here.


Typically, what types of problems or requirements would a CIOco client organisation be seeking to address?

  1. Poor alignment between the priorities of the business and the priorities of the ICT Department?
  2. A need to clarify the strategic priorities and directions for digital and ICT investments?
  3. Ensure that the ICT/digital portfolio aligns with the business agenda?
  4. ICT lacks transparency and is not aligned to business needs and objectives?
  5. ICT management/teams are immature and disconnected to the business – perceived ineffectiveness?
  6. Inability to afford a full-time CIO?
  7. Sub-optimal mix of internal and external services and service providers generating excessive costs and minimal value?
  8. You need your business executives to become more Digital and IT Savvy?
  9. You want to re skill or up-skill your senior ICT Managers to take advantage of new and improved capabilities?
  10. ICT is just not working for your business?

You may be a Board member, a CEO, or a CIO. You may be a Consulting Company wanting to fix things for a valued client. If you can identify with one or more of these problems and requirements, then you have arrived at the right place, so please read on.